Ongoing Funded Projects
Progetto CDMH Customer Data Management Hub (since 2023)
The project, funded by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, focuses on developing an innovative Customer Data Management Hub using Cloud and Machine Learning technologies. Funded for Doxee (BDGroup has a research contract with Doxee) the project aims to identify new consumer needs and trends through data analysis and enhance communication between service providers and customers. Additionally, it will offer Open Data functionalities, creating an ecosystem for the scientific community and socio-economic data users. Reference: Prof. Domenico Beneventano, Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
Discount quality for responsible data science: Human-in-the-Loop for quality data (PRIN Project - Since 2023)
In this project, carried out together with the Polytechnic University of Milan, the University of Milano-Bicocca, and the Sapienza University of Rome, we propose a discount quality approach for scientific data analysis, based on methods and theories to reduce the annotations and the processing space and time, which starts from the estimation of the needed human computing effort evaluation and the requirements of the specific task. The research in the project focuses on the topics of Data Ecosystems, Data Preparation, Data Quality Evaluation, Information Visualization and Visual Analytics.
Reference: Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi and Prof. Giovanni Simonini -
EcosistER (Since 2023)
The DB Group participates in the WP3 of Spoke 2 (Clean Energy Production, Storage and Savings), which has the goal of designing a production line of hydrogen fuel cells. The role of the DB Group is to design a Digital Twin of the production line.
Reference: Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi -
Digital Maktaba (Since 2021)
The research activity coordinated by ITSERR, which is funded by the PNRR and designed to strengthen RESILIENCE (the European research infrastructure for religious sciences) aims to design and implement a system to manage, catalogue, and share historical heritage in non-Latin alphabets. Reference: Prof. Domenico Beneventano, Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
Privacy-Preserving Temporal Record Linkage (since 2022)
The research activity aims to design and implement in prototype form (Proof of Concept) Privacy Preserving Temporal Record Linkage techniques as part of the "Recidivism Data Mart and Criminal Data Warehouse" project, funded by the CRUI Foundation, which is part of the broader "PNRR Justice Plan Datalake" project.
Reference: Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi, Prof. Domenico Beneventano -
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Energetic Virtuosity in Local Energy Communities (2022-2025)
The research activity aims to design and implement data integration techniques for managing the data of Local Energy Communities.
Reference: Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi -
Pleinair (since 2021)
The project is coordinated by DataRiver and aims to create inclusive contexts to promote the adoption of correct active lifestyles and good health for all age groups by promoting a park with principles of physical well-being and more.
Reference: Prof. Giovanni Simonini
Smart Cities the TRAFAIR project
Air pollution causes 400,000 deaths per year, making it first environmental cause of premature death in Europe. In the TRAFAIR project, we discover how traffic impacts on urban air quality conditions in 6 European cities. The project aims at monitoring air quality by using sensors in 6 cities and making air quality predictions thanks to simulation models.
MOMIS DataRiver Data Integrator
(Italian Ministery of Economic Development "Fondo per lInnovazione Tecnologica - FIT Start-Up", 2011-2014) -
Research Agreement with CINECA
Collaboration for testing of advanced techniques for the management of Big Data.
Past Funded Projects
DXP Digital Experience Platform
The project is funded by Regione Emilia-Romagna and developed in collaboration with Doxee. The goal of the project is to build a Digital Experience Platform to integrate with the Customer Communication Management (CCM) of Doxee to provide a better customer experience with Big Data and AI.
Reference: Prof. Domenico Beneventano, Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi -
Smart Monitoring of a Local Energy Community (2020-2021)
The project is funded by MISE and supervised by ENEA. The goal of the project is to design a platform to collect and analyze the data acquired by the sensors that monitor the energy network to allow a conscious use of energy by the users at home and in the workplace.
Reference: Prof. Sonia Bergamaschi
LigAdvisor - 2020
(A web server for drug design based on Big Data.) -
KEYSTONE - Semantic keyword-based search on structured data sources
(Progetto europeo COST) -
Business Analytics to generate value from Big Data
(Dai Distretti Produttivi ai Distretti Tecnologici 2 - Regione Emilia-Romagna) -
Open linked data dell'Osservatorio Giovani della Regione Emilia-Romagna
(Open Data and Open Government research area).
Keyword based search: Typically, structured data sources are queried by means of structured languages, thus making possible to access data only for advanced users. Systems based on keywords do not require such knowledge, enabling the casual user to access the data.
- FACIT-SME (Facilitate IT-providing SMEs by Operation-related Models and Methods) (FP6-IST-4 Project 2009)
- Keymantic - Searching for a needle in mountains of data! (funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena within the Bando di Ricerca Internazionale 2008)
- SITEIA (Safety, Technologies and Innovation for the Agro-food sector) (Emilia-Romagna research project)
- LISEA (Laboratory for Industrial Innovation and Energetic and Environmental Sustainability) (Emilia-Romagna research project)
NeP4B (Networked Peers For Business) (FIRB 2005)
- Stasis (Software for Ambient Semantic Interoperable Services) (IST FP6 STREP project 2006)
- WISDOM (Web Intelligent Search based on DOMain ontologies) (MIUR co-funded research project)
- SEWASIE (Semantic Webs and AgentS in Integrated Economies) (EU IST research project) Technical Annex
- Open source e proprietą intellettuale: fondamenti filosofici, tecnologie informatiche e gestione dei diritti
Technical Forum Group on Intelligent Information Agents for Web Economies
- Technologies and Services for Enhanced Content Delivery (MIUR co-funded research project)
STIL (Emilia-Romagna research project)
- CROSS (Emilia-Romagna research project)
MIUR 40 % 2001 - Agenti software e commercio elettronico: profili giuridici, tecnologici e psico-sociali
- WINK (EU IST research project)
- AGENTLINK Co-ordination Action for Agent Based Computing
D2I - Integration, Warehousing, and Mining of Heterogeneous Data Sources (MURST co-funded research project)
- ODB-Tools
- 1999: GEMME - GEstione di dati MultiMediali ed Eterogenei (CNR coordinated project)
- 1997-1999: INTERDATA - Metodologie e tecnologie per la gestione di dati e processi su reti Internet e Intranet
- 1998-1999: APE - Analisi del potere espressivo di Linguaggi per la rappresentazione della conoscenza (CNR coordinated project)
- 1997-1998: MIDA - Modellazione e Interrogazione di Basi di Dati Multimediali (CNR co-funded strategic project)
- 1997: Applicazione di tecniche di inferenza al trattamento di interrogazioni nelle Basi di Dati Orientate agli Oggetti (OODBMS) (MURST co-funded advanced research project)
- 1996-1997: Integrazione ed Accesso a Basi di Dati Eterogenee (ASI co-funded biennal research project)
- 1996-1997: Sistemi distribuiti per l'accesso intelligente ad archivi ereogenei (MURST co-funded research project)
- 1996-1997: Architetture ed Algoritmi per il riconoscimento di dati ed immagini (MURST co-funded research project)
- 1995-1996: Basi di Dati Evolute: Modelli, Metodi e Sistemi (MURST co-funded research project)
- 1994: Metodi Formali e strumenti per Basi di dati evolute (MURST co-funded research project)
Categorie: Projects